Sunday, October 18, 2009

We are going to be on a reality show!

While in the NASCAR garages yesterday we saw a bunch of cameras and a swarm of people. Assuming it was someone famous we tried to see who it was to our dismay we found a whole group of nobody. Talking it over we came to the conclusion they must be famous in Europe and continued on with our day. Later we found out it was a reality show for BET about minorities who want to be race car drivers. 5 white women and 5 black men, don't know where the Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and Asians were but this was the representation of minorities that had present. Have the producers ever been to NYC, Texas, Miami or California?? I'm just sayin'...

It was at this point the camera crews started pushing everyone out of their way and attempting to take over the venue. They even pushed NASCAR crew members out there way. I was cold and getting bitchy so we decided to infiltrate the taping. Walked right in front of the cameras and stood there like it was our business. If all goes well, they might show a clip on 106 & Park so we can get a good laugh out of it. Loves me some 106 & Park.

Back to "reality" today with a fun filled morning of laundry & the grocery store. My "reality" may not be near 106 & Park at the moment but I'm not minding it too much today.

Until Tomorrow,

♥ Emily ♥


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